Category Archives: drinks

Best 10 Gatorade Flavors List

The Best 10 Gatorade Flavors List below contains seventeen of the most popular flavored sport drinks offered at your local market. Most of the variety in flavor is dominated by fruit infused creations such as Rain Berry and Fruit Punch. However there are tastes to suite all tongues in the US and abroad those flavors include some of the more tropical mixtures including Mango Extremo and Lemon Lime two of the most thirst quenching flavors offered.

Did you know that 46% of the worlds sport drink market is dominated by the popular sport drink Gatorade. a complete list of Gatorade offerings is listed below:

Rain Berry
Lime Cucumber
Lemon Lime
Fruit Punch
Cool Blue
Mango Extremo
Citrus Cooler
X-Factor Fruit Punch and Berry
Strawberry Watermelon
Watermelon Citrus
Rain Strawberry Kiwi
Rain Lime
Rain Berry

Most bold flavor k cup

Top 3 of the Most bold flavor k cup on the market are found on the list below. Whether you are looking for an afternoon pick me up or a good morning wake me up you are sure to find in the fantastic flavors of the dark roasted coffees below.

bold coffee kcup flavor french roast1st place: Described as the boldest and darkest of all of their coffee, Starbucks French Roast K-Cup, takes number 1 spot for coffee pod drinkers looking for the extra extra bold flavors and aromas. Insert 1 of these non reusable pods into your Keurig for your morning burst of caffeine energy!

2nd place: There is no doubt that Keurig brand makes a tasty coffee makers, but what about coffee? Well, you are in luck the huge coffee brand has teamed up with Tully’s to make a sensational deep French Roast Extra Bold Coffee that is sure to find its dark roast roots into your heart.

3rd place: So you are not too fond of the major Starbucks brand bold k cups flavor coffeecoffee and you still are looking for something a little better than same old pods day in and day our well taking our third place spot is Community coffee. Community coffee has declared French Roast 2.0 k cup as their boldest and darkest roast to date bringing home all those deep rich aromas that the most bold cup of coffee should bring to your morning!

Biodegradable K Cup Stock Costco Warehouse

If you are like many coffee drinkers these days a fast world has put you in a position to make a fast cup of coffee and so today you are probably a Keurig owner, however, if you do own the coffee maker you are more than likely looking for a Biodegradable K Cup to take the place of the current pods you are using now. Why?

Despite being named “Fastest Growing Company” by Fortune magazine for the sixth year in a row, Green Mountain (the makers of the popular coffee maker), are also responsible for a trend that is setting the earth-savy – earth loving – eco hip – culture on a spirited push to raise awareness for how “wasteful” the popular k cups really are to the environment, read more about that k cup waste here.

Where can you buy Biodegradable K Cups? Costco!
san francisco k cups

While shopping at Costco we found that the warehouse does have a stock of San Francisco Bay brand k cups. That means you can use the pods and they are 97% made biodegradable.
recycle k cups

Meaning that if you try to recycle, or try to otherwise dispose of the trash created from the coffee pod it does shave bio-degradable properties, in fact, you can then choose to recycle the spent grounds either back into your potting soil and dirt and contribute even more to your eco-friendly cup
As you can see here the eco pods do not have the complete plastic “cupping” that holds most other brands coffee grounds. Instead the San Francisco Bay have the filter and nothing more! To hold the filter in place there is a “corn ring” secured to the main part of the cup.

Even the bag that you get the coffee in is earth friendly!
San Francisco Bay OneCup, Fog Chaser, 80 Single Serve Coffees

How much do the K Cups cost?
Well, for 80 pods at Costco we paid right at $25 making it about .31 cents per cup of freshly brewed coffee!

2 Top Canadian cocktail whiskey recipes

There is nothing better than planning out your Friday or Saturday night with friends and patriotic cocktails that will set your night off right! Below are two of the top tropical Canadian inspired drinks that you have to try atleast once!

1. Breezy Canadian
2 oz Whiskey (Canadian Whiskey for the Canadians!)
1/2 Lemon
1/2 oz pineapple juice
1/2 tsp Maraschino

Directions: Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker and pour over ice into a glass garnish with fresh pineapple.

2. Cherry Cherry Canadian
2 oz Canadian Whiskey
1/2 oz Cherry Brandy
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp orange juice

Directions: Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker and pour over ice into a glass.

Remember to have some fun when making drinks and to add or subtract any ingredients to suite your tastes! It is all about having fun with your food! Enjoy!