Best 10 Gatorade Flavors List

Best 10 Gatorade Flavors List

The Best 10 Gatorade Flavors List below contains seventeen of the most popular flavored sport drinks offered at your local market. Most of the variety in flavor is dominated by fruit infused creations such as Rain Berry and Fruit Punch. However there are tastes to suite all tongues in the US and abroad those flavors include some of the more tropical mixtures including Mango Extremo and Lemon Lime two of the most thirst quenching flavors offered.

Did you know that 46% of the worlds sport drink market is dominated by the popular sport drink Gatorade. a complete list of Gatorade offerings is listed below:

Rain Berry
Lime Cucumber
Lemon Lime
Fruit Punch
Cool Blue
Mango Extremo
Citrus Cooler
X-Factor Fruit Punch and Berry
Strawberry Watermelon
Watermelon Citrus
Rain Strawberry Kiwi
Rain Lime
Rain Berry

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