So you’re on a time crunch and you want to make spaghetti, but you’re not super crazy about that canned sauce you have in the cabinet. There is a solution! With just a tiny bit of effort you can very easily doctor up that spaghetti sauce to make it taste almost homemade! Sound too good to be true? It’s not!
Total time from start to finish is less than 30 minutes!
Here’s how to do it:
Canned (or bottled) spaghetti sauce
The rest of the ingredients – how many, or how few – are up to you! You’re on a time crunch, right? So let’s just use whatever you have in your fridge – anything that would typically go in spaghetti sauce will work. In order to make the sauce taste homemade and extra special, ideally you’ll have at least two of the following ingredients:
chopped Onions
2 cloves of Garlic
Ground Beef (or Pork)
Bell Pepper
Sliced Mushroooms
1 tsp Oregano
1 tsp Basil
1 tsp Thyme
1. Empty the can of spaghetti sauce into your sauce pan, put on a lid and turn the heat to medium low. Add any of the spices you have from the spice list noted above. Stir the sauce, and let it come to a low simmer.
2. Now, while the spaghetti sauce is heating up, in a separate skillet – if you’ve decided on adding ground beef (or pork), saute it until it’s cooked and add a little salt (to taste). Once the meat is fully cooked, drain the fat, and add the meat into your saucepan with the spaghetti sauce.
3. Next, if you have have any vegetables noted above (bell pepper, onion, or mushrooms), you’ll want to shop and/or slice them. Make sure the bell pepper is thickly chopped (in bite size pieces), the onion is chopped, and the mushrooms are sliced. You’ll add a little oil to a skillet, and brown whatever vegetables you have to the skillet. Saute until they’re just tender. When done, add them to the spaghetti sauce.
4. Finally, if you have any garlic, mince the garlic, and saute quickly in an oiled skillet. Be careful as garlic cooks fast and can burn quickly (this is why you’re doing it separately from the vegetables). When lightly browned, add to the spaghetti sauce.
5. Once all vegetables and meat are added, bring the spaghetti sauce to a low simmer for about 10 – 15 minutes.
Enjoy! You’re done!! Your spaghetti sauce will taste almost homemade – close enough you’re likely to fool some of your friends and family! 😉
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