When is Blue Bell coming back?

The Blue Bell ice cream brand is still not available in stores but it is expected to coming very soon! If you have been to your local grocery store shopping for ice cream you have surely noticed the empty spot in the freezer where the once beloved Texas ice cream used to call home.

And while you may be getting used to seeing the empty spot don’t get to comfortable with that yummy private label store brand just yet. Blue bell is coming back and will be cleaner than ever, with tons of precautions taken the famous creamery will be making a come back with 10 flavors and half gallons as they reintroduce themselves to the public.

On July 22, 2015 Blue Bell Ice Cream posted the following message on their Facebook and twitter page:
“Exciting news from our Sylacauga, Alabama, facility! Today our machines cranked up and we began evaluating our enhanced production processes. Each day we’re getting closer to bringing Blue Bell back!”
So while we wait let us hope that atlas Blue Bell Ice Cream will be back in time for the Christmas Holiday!
blue bell christmas

3 thoughts on “When is Blue Bell coming back?”

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