Category Archives: Gourd

Pumpkin bread recipe

We took a trip to the local arboretum for a fall pumpkin exhibit and found several recipes posted (including this pumpkin bread recipe) that used pumpkin as the main ingredient.

Pumpkin patch
The many varieties at the arboretum.

Making bread from scratch can be somewhat time consuming but around Christmas or during the holidays baking can be fun for the whole family, especially is you have guests coming into town.

recipe for pumpkin bread
Try this pumpkin bread recipe!

4 egg yolks
1 cup oil
2/3 cup water
1 can pumpkin puree 15oz
3 cups sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
1tsp cinnamon
1tsp nutmeg
2tsp baking soda
3cups flour

Mix egg, water, oil, pumpkin. Add spices and flour mix well. Pour into loaf pan bake 350° for 50-60 minutes.


Can you identify squash?

There are an unlimited amount of recipes that use squash or gourd for the main ingredient, the question is… Are you missing out on those delicious dishes because you cannot identify squash at the supermarket?

Chances are if you are not cooking with gourds – one of the healthiest and with longest lasting shelf life of the vegetables – its because you are having trouble identifying them at the market.

So I have for you three extensive charts that you can reference that will help you identify squash for cooking your favorite recipes!

gourd and squash identification chart
From left to right: Hyakunari, Sennari, Mini, Mini Pear, Banana, Mexican Bottle, Warty, Apple, Canon Ball, Basketball

long gourd identification chart
Peni Shield, Nagahyo/ Japanese Bottle Siphon, Long Handle Dipper, Short Handle Dipper, Snake Gourd,Extra Long Handle Dipper, Caveman Club, Maranka / Dolphin, Apache Dipper, Hercules Club, Long Gourd

bottle gourd identification chart
African Zulu, Chinese bottle, Water jug, Corsican flat, Canteen, Indonesian Bottle, Goose-neck /Lump-in-the-neck, African Wine Kettle, Zucca, Bushel Basket, Kettle, Large African Bushel