Category Archives: Squah

Can you identify squash?

There are an unlimited amount of recipes that use squash or gourd for the main ingredient, the question is… Are you missing out on those delicious dishes because you cannot identify squash at the supermarket?

Chances are if you are not cooking with gourds – one of the healthiest and with longest lasting shelf life of the vegetables – its because you are having trouble identifying them at the market.

So I have for you three extensive charts that you can reference that will help you identify squash for cooking your favorite recipes!

gourd and squash identification chart
From left to right: Hyakunari, Sennari, Mini, Mini Pear, Banana, Mexican Bottle, Warty, Apple, Canon Ball, Basketball

long gourd identification chart
Peni Shield, Nagahyo/ Japanese Bottle Siphon, Long Handle Dipper, Short Handle Dipper, Snake Gourd,Extra Long Handle Dipper, Caveman Club, Maranka / Dolphin, Apache Dipper, Hercules Club, Long Gourd

bottle gourd identification chart
African Zulu, Chinese bottle, Water jug, Corsican flat, Canteen, Indonesian Bottle, Goose-neck /Lump-in-the-neck, African Wine Kettle, Zucca, Bushel Basket, Kettle, Large African Bushel

Easy butternut squash soup recipe

Below is a recipe that is perfect a cold winter night. This is for an easy butternut squash soup, step by step in pictures!


1 lb ground turkey
1 medium sized butternut squash
2 stalks green onion
1 bunch collard greens
3 cloves garlic
2-3 carrots
4-5 cups chicken, vegetable, or turkey broth
2 tsp salt (or to taste)
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper

How to make the soup step by step in images:

Cubed Butternut Squash
Cube the butternut

Wash, peel, and cut the med squash into cubes. The sizes can be determined by your personal preference.

carrots and onions
Chopped carrots green onion and garlic

Chop the carrots and onions along with 2-3 cloves of garlic and set aside.

collard greens
Sliced collards
cut collard greens
Wash and de-stem the collard greens then roll up and slice into strips.

Turkey meatballs
Turkey meatballs

Salt and pepper the ground turkey then roll the meat into smaller balls.

Chicken Broth
Chicken Broth

Set aside 4-5 cups chicken broth.

Prepare and set aside all of your ingredients.

stir vegetables
Combine vegetables

With olive oil grease a 5 quart pot, when hot add carrots, garlic, and onion, and allow to sweat several minutes. Add turkey meat balls for a few minutes until browned. Add chicken broth salt pepper spices and remaining ingredients.

Bring soup to boil then turn down heat and allow to simmer 15-20 minutes. Be sure turkey and vegetable are cooked.

turkey meat balls collard green soup
After cooking time serve the soup and enjoy!