Baconnaise – Mayonaise that tastes like Bacon!

Should everything taste like bacon? How do you feel about bacon-flavored mayonnaise? Meat lovers rejoice because this one’s for you!
J&Ds has a line of “spreads” called “Baconnaise” – which is essentially bacon-flavored mayonnaise – it comes in regular and lite flavors. It is a bacon-flavored spread that goes on anything from vegetables to sandwiches. Those who have tried it say it turns a sandwich without bacon into a sandwich tasting like it has bacon.

But you don’t have to try and find this particular brand to experience the flavor yourself – you can get a similar effect by making your own batch – many people do it by using bacon fat in their homemade mayonnaise recipe…the end result is similar – a bacon-flavored mayonnaise that tastes great on burgers, hot dogs, and veggies!

Here are some other ideas you can do to flavor mayonnaise.

Any of these flavors can be achieved by simply mixing the ingredient in with the mayo prior to spreading on your food…

  • Chipotle Mayonnaise
  • Citrus-flavored Mayo
  • Capered Mayonnaise
  • Wasabi Mayonnaise
  • Fresh Herb Mayonnaise
  • Paremesan / Pepper Mayonnaise
  • Pickle-Flavor Mayonnaise – chop a dilled pickle and mix in – people say it tastes great!!

4 thoughts on “Baconnaise – Mayonaise that tastes like Bacon!”

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